​By becoming a member, you are joining one of USC's most prominent student associations.
Your involvement and support allow us to carry out all the fun and exciting activities we organize throughout the year.
Without you, there would be no CASA!
A free CASA T-shirt
Access to members-only CASA events and parties
Free rides to CASA events
Discounted rates to CASA’s retreats and banquets
Discounts at local businesses thanks to our sponsors
Although we fundraise throughout the year, your membership dues are necessary for the general operation of CASA.
Among other CASA expenses, we use some of the money for:
CASA T-shirts
Food and refreshments at tailgates, holiday dinners, and other events
Supplies for posters, photocopies, and flyers
Funding our annual Chinese American Culture Night!
Simply fill out the membership registration form above! Be sure to join our Discord and subscribe to our newsletter!
Membership dues are $25 for 1 semester and $50 for 1 year (in the Spring, only semesterly membership is available)..